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Tabatha Rainwater

Late Stage Doctoral Student.

Her dissertation focus is Social Network Analysis of Conjecturing in Undergraduate Geometry.

She is a Hot Air Balloon Pilot, 

Along with her family she flies "Pi in the sky" hot air balloon.

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Tabatha is a late stage doctoral student in Mathematics Education. Broadly, her research interests include Social Network Analysis, Undergraduate mathematics, and geometry. 

She is interested in service roles that develop support systems at the University level for students who are parents and has started a student organization at the University of Tennessee for student parents. It is the first in the state. 

She holds the ontological belief that her research should be embedded with a community of people in and out of the research. 

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Upcoming  Publications
*upcoming is used instead of in-press*

Healing through Confianza: a conceptual framework for our mothers' mathematics

This conceptual framework weaves together healing informed mathematics (Kokka) with Parental Participation (Civil) and Power-Threat Meaning framework (O'Toole) to create a conceptual framework. The aim in this manuscript is to create a strong research theory for participatory action research in mathematics education co-constructed with parents. Connected in secondary and tertiary works, the concept at the center is confianza, trust. We must start in a place of trust for the hard and true healing of mathematics as we know it. 

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Tabatha Rainwater

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Splintered parts do never a full self. 

I am a (dis)Abled mother, researcher,

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