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Research Interests

Research: Welcome

Social Network Analysis

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Visual Social Network Analysis models allow us to deepen our understanding of complex social networks.


I am currently researching social network analysis through a survey design method. 

Research method:
Mixed Item Survey

My preferred research method is a Survey.


Surveys themselves are not inherently qualitative or quantitative; instead, the items within a survey can be classified as such. I believe a well-rounded survey pragmatically meets the needs of the research question. When asking convergent research questions, quantitative survey items are useful. Conversely, when asking divergent research questions, qualitative survey items are useful. 

My dissertation survey utilizes both qualitative and quantitative survey items. Therefore, it is a mixed item survey. 

Self keywords: (dis)Ability, mathematics, autism, mother, family, neurodiversity, mental health, healing, recovery, trauma
Graduate school is a strange world.
Caught between the role of student and professional.
Within this landscape of life I find my identity evolving.
I question how to be the most genuine and authentic in all I do. 

Current Research projects:
Healing through confianza: our mother's mathematics

 PLANAR: Black and Latina Parents Leading chANge and Advancing Racial justice in Elementary Mathematics, (NSF CAREER Award #2046856)

Higher Education Institutional Policy supporting parenting scholars 


Research: About


Research: About
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